3211. Generate Binary Strings Without Adjacent Zeros
You are given a positive integer n
A binary string x
is valid if all substrings of x
of length 2 contain at least one "1"
Return all valid strings with length n
, in any order.
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| class Solution { void helper(vector<string>& res, string& s, int n) { if(s.length() == n) { res.push_back(s); } else { s.push_back('1'); helper(res,s,n); s.pop_back(); if(s.back() == '1') { s.push_back('0'); helper(res,s,n); s.pop_back(); } } } public: vector<string> validStrings(int n) { if(n == 1) return {"0","1"}; vector<string> res; string s0 = "0", s1 = "1"; helper(res,s0,n); helper(res,s1,n); return res; } };