[LeetCode] Shortest Way to Form String

1055. Shortest Way to Form String

A subsequence of a string is a new string that is formed from the original string by deleting some (can be none) of the characters without disturbing the relative positions of the remaining characters. (i.e., “ace” is a subsequence of “abcde” while “aec” is not).

Given two strings source and target, return the minimum number of subsequences of source such that their concatenation equals target. If the task is impossible, return -1

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[LeetCode] Peeking Iterator

284. Peeking Iterator

Design an iterator that supports the peek operation on an existing iterator in addition to the hasNext and the next operations.

Implement the PeekingIterator class:

  • PeekingIterator(Iterator nums) Initializes the object with the given integer iterator iterator.
  • int next() Returns the next element in the array and moves the pointer to the next element.
  • boolean hasNext() Returns true if there are still elements in the array.
  • int peek() Returns the next element in the array without moving the pointer.

Note: Each language may have a different implementation of the constructor and Iterator, but they all support the int next() and boolean hasNext() functions.

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[LeetCode] Output Contest Matches

544. Output Contest Matches

During the NBA playoffs, we always set the rather strong team to play with the rather weak team, like make the rank 1 team play with the rank nth team, which is a good strategy to make the contest more interesting.

Given n teams, return their final contest matches in the form of a string.

The n teams are labeled from 1 to n, which represents their initial rank (i.e., Rank 1 is the strongest team and Rank n is the weakest team).

We will use parentheses ‘(‘, and ‘)’ and commas ‘,’ to represent the contest team pairing. We use the parentheses for pairing and the commas for partition. During the pairing process in each round, you always need to follow the strategy of making the rather strong one pair with the rather weak one.

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[LeetCode] Wiggle Sort

280. Wiggle Sort

Given an integer array nums, reorder it such that nums[0] <= nums[1] >= nums[2] <= nums[3]….

You may assume the input array always has a valid answer.

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[LeetCode] Campus Bikes II

1066. Campus Bikes II

On a campus represented as a 2D grid, there are n workers and m bikes, with n <= m. Each worker and bike is a 2D coordinate on this grid.

We assign one unique bike to each worker so that the sum of the Manhattan distances between each worker and their assigned bike is minimized.

Return the minimum possible sum of Manhattan distances between each worker and their assigned bike.

The Manhattan distance between two points p1 and p2 is Manhattan(p1, p2) = |p1.x - p2.x| + |p1.y - p2.y|.

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[LeetCode] Validate Stack Sequences

946. Validate Stack Sequences

Given two integer arrays pushed and popped each with distinct values, return true if this could have been the result of a sequence of push and pop operations on an initially empty stack, or false otherwise.

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[LeetCode] Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences

659. Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences

You are given an integer array nums that is sorted in non-decreasing order.

Determine if it is possible to split nums into one or more subsequences such that both of the following conditions are true:

  • Each subsequence is a consecutive increasing sequence (i.e. each integer is exactly one more than the previous integer).
  • All subsequences have a length of 3 or more.
    Return true if you can split nums according to the above conditions, or false otherwise.

A subsequence of an array is a new array that is formed from the original array by deleting some (can be none) of the elements without disturbing the relative positions of the remaining elements. (i.e., [1,3,5] is a subsequence of [1,2,3,4,5] while [1,3,2] is not).

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[LeetCode] Bomb Enemy

361. Bomb Enemy

Given an m x n matrix grid where each cell is either a wall ‘W’, an enemy ‘E’ or empty ‘0’, return the maximum enemies you can kill using one bomb. You can only place the bomb in an empty cell.

The bomb kills all the enemies in the same row and column from the planted point until it hits the wall since it is too strong to be destroyed.

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[LeetCode] Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence

298. Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence

Given the root of a binary tree, return the length of the longest consecutive sequence path.

The path refers to any sequence of nodes from some starting node to any node in the tree along the parent-child connections. The longest consecutive path needs to be from parent to child (cannot be the reverse).

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[LeetCode] Word Ladder II

126. Word Ladder II

A transformation sequence from word beginWord to word endWord using a dictionary wordList is a sequence of words beginWord -> s1 -> s2 -> … -> sk such that:

  • Every adjacent pair of words differs by a single letter.
  • Every si for 1 <= i <= k is in wordList. Note that beginWord does not need to be in wordList.
  • sk == endWord

Given two words, beginWord and endWord, and a dictionary wordList, return all the shortest transformation sequences from beginWord to endWord, or an empty list if no such sequence exists. Each sequence should be returned as a list of the words [beginWord, s1, s2, …, sk].

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