2201. Count Artifacts That Can Be Extracted
There is an n x n 0-indexed grid with some artifacts buried in it. You are given the integer n and a 0-indexed 2D integer array artifacts describing the positions of the rectangular artifacts where artifacts[i] = [r1i, c1i, r2i, c2i] denotes that the ith artifact is buried in the subgrid where:
- (r1i, c1i) is the coordinate of the top-left cell of the ith artifact and
- (r2i, c2i) is the coordinate of the bottom-right cell of the ith artifact.
You will excavate some cells of the grid and remove all the mud from them. If the cell has a part of an artifact buried underneath, it will be uncovered. If all the parts of an artifact are uncovered, you can extract it.
Given a 0-indexed 2D integer array dig where dig[i] = [ri, ci] indicates that you will excavate the cell (ri, ci), return the number of artifacts that you can extract.
The test cases are generated such that:
- No two artifacts overlap.
- Each artifact only covers at most 4 cells.
- The entries of dig are unique.