[LeetCode] Count Sub Islands

1905. Count Sub Islands

You are given two m x n binary matrices grid1 and grid2 containing only 0’s (representing water) and 1’s (representing land). An island is a group of 1’s connected 4-directionally (horizontal or vertical). Any cells outside of the grid are considered water cells.

An island in grid2 is considered a sub-island if there is an island in grid1 that contains all the cells that make up this island in grid2.

Return the number of islands in grid2 that are considered sub-islands.

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[LeetCode] Minimum Area Rectangle II

963. Minimum Area Rectangle II

You are given an array of points in the X-Y plane points where points[i] = [xi, yi].

Return the minimum area of any rectangle formed from these points, with sides not necessarily parallel to the X and Y axes. If there is not any such rectangle, return 0.

Answers within 10-5 of the actual answer will be accepted.

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[LeetCode] Reachable Nodes In Subdivided Graph

882. Reachable Nodes In Subdivided Graph

You are given an undirected graph (the “original graph”) with n nodes labeled from 0 to n - 1. You decide to subdivide each edge in the graph into a chain of nodes, with the number of new nodes varying between each edge.

The graph is given as a 2D array of edges where edges[i] = [ui, vi, cnti] indicates that there is an edge between nodes ui and vi in the original graph, and cnti is the total number of new nodes that you will subdivide the edge into. Note that cnti == 0 means you will not subdivide the edge.

To subdivide the edge [ui, vi], replace it with (cnti + 1) new edges and cnti new nodes. The new nodes are x1, x2, …, xcnti, and the new edges are [ui, x1], [x1, x2], [x2, x3], …, [xcnti-1, xcnti], [xcnti, vi].

In this new graph, you want to know how many nodes are reachable from the node 0, where a node is reachable if the distance is maxMoves or less.

Given the original graph and maxMoves, return the number of nodes that are reachable from node 0 in the new graph.

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[LeetCode] Maximum Product of the Length of Two Palindromic Substrings

1960. Maximum Product of the Length of Two Palindromic Substrings

You are given a 0-indexed string s and are tasked with finding two non-intersecting palindromic substrings of odd length such that the product of their lengths is maximized.

More formally, you want to choose four integers i, j, k, l such that 0 <= i <= j < k <= l < s.length and both the substrings s[i…j] and s[k…l] are palindromes and have odd lengths. s[i…j] denotes a substring from index i to index j inclusive.

Return the maximum possible product of the lengths of the two non-intersecting palindromic substrings.

A palindrome is a string that is the same forward and backward. A substring is a contiguous sequence of characters in a string.

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[LeetCode] Minimum Operations to Make the Array K-Increasing

2111. Minimum Operations to Make the Array K-Increasing

You are given a 0-indexed array arr consisting of n positive integers, and a positive integer k.

The array arr is called K-increasing if arr[i-k] <= arr[i] holds for every index i, where k <= i <= n-1.

  • For example, arr = [4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 2] is K-increasing for k = 2 because:

    • arr[0] <= arr[2] (4 <= 5)
    • arr[1] <= arr[3] (1 <= 2)
    • arr[2] <= arr[4] (5 <= 6)
    • arr[3] <= arr[5] (2 <= 2)
  • However, the same arr is not K-increasing for k = 1 (because arr[0] > arr[1]) or k = 3 (because arr[0] > arr[3]).

In one operation, you can choose an index i and change arr[i] into any positive integer.

Return the minimum number of operations required to make the array K-increasing for the given k.

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[LeetCode] Sparse Matrix Multiplication

311. Sparse Matrix Multiplication

Given two sparse matrices mat1 of size m x k and mat2 of size k x n, return the result of mat1 x mat2. You may assume that multiplication is always possible.

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[LeetCode] Egg Drop With 2 Eggs and N Floors

1884. Egg Drop With 2 Eggs and N Floors

You are given two identical eggs and you have access to a building with n floors labeled from 1 to n.

You know that there exists a floor f where 0 <= f <= n such that any egg dropped at a floor higher than f will break, and any egg dropped at or below floor f will not break.

In each move, you may take an unbroken egg and drop it from any floor x (where 1 <= x <= n). If the egg breaks, you can no longer use it. However, if the egg does not break, you may reuse it in future moves.

Return the minimum number of moves that you need to determine with certainty what the value of f is.

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[LeetCode] Balanced Binary Tree

110. Balanced Binary Tree

Given a binary tree, determine if it is height-balanced.

For this problem, a height-balanced binary tree is defined as:

a binary tree in which the left and right subtrees of every node differ in height by no more than 1.

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[LeetCode] Maximum Sum of Two Non-Overlapping Subarrays

1031. Maximum Sum of Two Non-Overlapping Subarrays

Given an integer array nums and two integers firstLen and secondLen, return the maximum sum of elements in two non-overlapping subarrays with lengths firstLen and secondLen.

The array with length firstLen could occur before or after the array with length secondLen, but they have to be non-overlapping.

A subarray is a contiguous part of an array.

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[LeetCode] Single Number II

137. Single Number II

Given an integer array nums where every element appears three times except for one, which appears exactly once. Find the single element and return it.

You must implement a solution with a linear runtime complexity and use only constant extra space.

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