[LeetCode] Number of Ways to Select Buildings

2222. Number of Ways to Select Buildings

You are given a 0-indexed binary string s which represents the types of buildings along a street where:

  • s[i] = ‘0’ denotes that the ith building is an office and
  • s[i] = ‘1’ denotes that the ith building is a restaurant.

As a city official, you would like to select 3 buildings for random inspection. However, to ensure variety, no two consecutive buildings out of the selected buildings can be of the same type.

  • For example, given s = “001101”, we cannot select the 1st, 3rd, and 5th buildings as that would form “011” which is not allowed due to having two consecutive buildings of the same type.

Return the number of valid ways to select 3 buildings.

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[LeetCode] Grid Illumination

1001. Grid Illumination

There is a 2D grid of size n x n where each cell of this grid has a lamp that is initially turned off.

You are given a 2D array of lamp positions lamps, where lamps[i] = [rowi, coli] indicates that the lamp at grid[rowi][coli] is turned on. Even if the same lamp is listed more than once, it is turned on.

When a lamp is turned on, it illuminates its cell and all other cells in the same row, column, or diagonal.

You are also given another 2D array queries, where queries[j] = [rowj, colj]. For the jth query, determine whether grid[rowj][colj] is illuminated or not. After answering the jth query, turn off the lamp at grid[rowj][colj] and its 8 adjacent lamps if they exist. A lamp is adjacent if its cell shares either a side or corner with grid[rowj][colj].

Return an array of integers ans, where ans[j] should be 1 if the cell in the jth query was illuminated, or 0 if the lamp was not.

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[LeetCode] Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach All Nodes

1557. Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach All Nodes

Given a directed acyclic graph, with n vertices numbered from 0 to n-1, and an array edges where edges[i] = [fromi, toi] represents a directed edge from node fromi to node toi.

Find the smallest set of vertices from which all nodes in the graph are reachable. It’s guaranteed that a unique solution exists.

Notice that you can return the vertices in any order.

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[LeetCode] Number Of Corner Rectangles

750. Number Of Corner Rectangles

Given an m x n integer matrix grid where each entry is only 0 or 1, return the number of corner rectangles.

A corner rectangle is four distinct 1’s on the grid that forms an axis-aligned rectangle. Note that only the corners need to have the value 1. Also, all four 1’s used must be distinct.

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[LeetCode] Find the Town Judge

997. Find the Town Judge

In a town, there are n people labeled from 1 to n. There is a rumor that one of these people is secretly the town judge.

If the town judge exists, then:

  1. The town judge trusts nobody.
  2. Everybody (except for the town judge) trusts the town judge.
  3. There is exactly one person that satisfies properties 1 and 2.

You are given an array trust where trust[i] = [ai, bi] representing that the person labeled ai trusts the person labeled bi.

Return the label of the town judge if the town judge exists and can be identified, or return -1 otherwise.

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[LeetCode] Check If a Number Is Majority Element in a Sorted Array

1150. Check If a Number Is Majority Element in a Sorted Array

Given an integer array nums sorted in non-decreasing order and an integer target, return true if target is a majority element, or false otherwise.

A majority element in an array nums is an element that appears more than nums.length / 2 times in the array.

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[LeetCode] Valid Palindrome II

680. Valid Palindrome II

Given a string s, return true if the s can be palindrome after deleting at most one character from it.

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[Code Jam 2022 Qualification Round 2022] d1000000Read more
[Code Jam 2022 Qualification Round 2022] Punched CardsRead more