[LeetCode] Minimum Number of Operations to Convert Time

2224. Minimum Number of Operations to Convert Time

You are given two strings current and correct representing two 24-hour times.

24-hour times are formatted as “HH:MM”, where HH is between 00 and 23, and MM is between 00 and 59. The earliest 24-hour time is 00:00, and the latest is 23:59.

In one operation you can increase the time current by 1, 5, 15, or 60 minutes. You can perform this operation any number of times.

Return the minimum number of operations needed to convert current to correct.

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[LeetCode] Find Players With Zero or One Losses

2225. Find Players With Zero or One Losses

You are given an integer array matches where matches[i] = [winneri, loseri] indicates that the player winneri defeated player loseri in a match.

Return a list answer of size 2 where:

  • answer[0] is a list of all players that have not lost any matches.
  • answer[1] is a list of all players that have lost exactly one match.

The values in the two lists should be returned in increasing order.


  • You should only consider the players that have played at least one match.
  • The testcases will be generated such that no two matches will have the same outcome.
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[LeetCode] Maximum Candies Allocated to K Children

2226. Maximum Candies Allocated to K Children

You are given a 0-indexed integer array candies. Each element in the array denotes a pile of candies of size candies[i]. You can divide each pile into any number of sub piles, but you cannot merge two piles together.

You are also given an integer k. You should allocate piles of candies to k children such that each child gets the same number of candies. Each child can take at most one pile of candies and some piles of candies may go unused.

Return the maximum number of candies each child can get.

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[LeetCode] Reorder List

143. Reorder List

You are given the head of a singly linked-list. The list can be represented as:

L0 → L1 → … → Ln - 1 → Ln

Reorder the list to be on the following form:

L0 → Ln → L1 → Ln - 1 → L2 → Ln - 2 → …

You may not modify the values in the list’s nodes. Only nodes themselves may be changed.

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[LeetCode] 4 Keys Keyboard

651. 4 Keys Keyboard

Imagine you have a special keyboard with the following keys:

  • A: Print one ‘A’ on the screen.
  • Ctrl-A: Select the whole screen.
  • Ctrl-C: Copy selection to buffer.
  • Ctrl-V: Print buffer on screen appending it after what has already been printed.

Given an integer n, return the maximum number of ‘A’ you can print on the screen with at most n presses on the keys.

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[LeetCode] Find the Derangement of An Array

634. Find the Derangement of An Array

In combinatorial mathematics, a derangement is a permutation of the elements of a set, such that no element appears in its original position.

You are given an integer n. There is originally an array consisting of n integers from 1 to n in ascending order, return the number of derangements it can generate. Since the answer may be huge, return it modulo 109 + 7.

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[LeetCode] Spiral Matrix II

59. Spiral Matrix II

Given a positive integer n, generate an n x n matrix filled with elements from 1 to n2 in spiral order.

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[LeetCode] Sum of Scores of Built Strings

2223. Sum of Scores of Built Strings

You are building a string s of length n one character at a time, prepending each new character to the front of the string. The strings are labeled from 1 to n, where the string with length i is labeled si.

  • For example, for s = “abaca”, s1 == “a”, s2 == “ca”, s3 == “aca”, etc.

The score of si is the length of the longest common prefix between si and sn (Note that s == sn).

Given the final string s, return the sum of the score of every si.

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[LeetCode] Minimum Bit Flips to Convert Number

2220. Minimum Bit Flips to Convert Number

A bit flip of a number x is choosing a bit in the binary representation of x and flipping it from either 0 to 1 or 1 to 0.

  • For example, for x = 7, the binary representation is 111 and we may choose any bit (including any leading zeros not shown) and flip it. We can flip the first bit from the right to get 110, flip the second bit from the right to get 101, flip the fifth bit from the right (a leading zero) to get 10111, etc.

Given two integers start and goal, return the minimum number of bit flips to convert start to goal.

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[LeetCode] Find Triangular Sum of an Array

2221. Find Triangular Sum of an Array

You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums, where nums[i] is a digit between 0 and 9 (inclusive).

The triangular sum of nums is the value of the only element present in nums after the following process terminates:

  1. Let nums comprise of n elements. If n == 1, end the process. Otherwise, create a new 0-indexed integer array newNums of length n - 1.
  2. For each index i, where 0 <= i < n - 1, assign the value of newNums[i] as (nums[i] + nums[i+1]) % 10, where % denotes modulo operator.
  3. Replace the array nums with newNums.
  4. Repeat the entire process starting from step 1.

Return the triangular sum of nums.

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