[LeetCode] Palindrome Removal

1246. Palindrome Removal

Given an integer array arr, in one move you can select a palindromic subarray arr[i], arr[i+1], …, arr[j] where i <= j, and remove that subarray from the given array. Note that after removing a subarray, the elements on the left and on the right of that subarray move to fill the gap left by the removal.

Return the minimum number of moves needed to remove all numbers from the array.

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[LeetCode] Closest Binary Search Tree Value

270. Closest Binary Search Tree Value

Given the root of a binary search tree and a target value, return the value in the BST that is closest to the target.

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[LeetCode] Count Ways to Distribute Candies

1692. Count Ways to Distribute Candies

There are n unique candies (labeled 1 through n) and k bags. You are asked to distribute all the candies into the bags such that every bag has at least one candy.

There can be multiple ways to distribute the candies. Two ways are considered different if the candies in one bag in the first way are not all in the same bag in the second way. The order of the bags and the order of the candies within each bag do not matter.

For example, (1), (2,3) and (2), (1,3) are considered different because candies 2 and 3 in the bag (2,3) in the first way are not in the same bag in the second way (they are split between the bags (2) and (1,3)). However, (1), (2,3) and (3,2), (1) are considered the same because the candies in each bag are all in the same bags in both ways.

Given two integers, n and k, return the number of different ways to distribute the candies. As the answer may be too large, return it modulo 109 + 7.

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[LeetCode] Find the Index of the Large Integer

1533. Find the Index of the Large Integer

We have an integer array arr, where all the integers in arr are equal except for one integer which is larger than the rest of the integers. You will not be given direct access to the array, instead, you will have an API ArrayReader which have the following functions:

  • int compareSub(int l, int r, int x, int y): where 0 <= l, r, x, y < ArrayReader.length(), l <= r and x <= y. The function compares the sum of sub-array arr[l..r] with the sum of the sub-array arr[x..y] and returns:
  • 1 if arr[l]+arr[l+1]+…+arr[r] > arr[x]+arr[x+1]+…+arr[y].
  • 0 if arr[l]+arr[l+1]+…+arr[r] == arr[x]+arr[x+1]+…+arr[y].
  • -1 if arr[l]+arr[l+1]+…+arr[r] < arr[x]+arr[x+1]+…+arr[y].
  • int length(): Returns the size of the array.

You are allowed to call compareSub() 20 times at most. You can assume both functions work in O(1) time.

Return the index of the array arr which has the largest integer.

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[Code Jam 2022 Qualification Round 2022] Twisty Little PassagesRead more
[LeetCode] Is Graph Bipartite?

785. Is Graph Bipartite?

There is an undirected graph with n nodes, where each node is numbered between 0 and n - 1. You are given a 2D array graph, where graph[u] is an array of nodes that node u is adjacent to. More formally, for each v in graph[u], there is an undirected edge between node u and node v. The graph has the following properties:

  • There are no self-edges (graph[u] does not contain u).
  • There are no parallel edges (graph[u] does not contain duplicate values).
  • If v is in graph[u], then u is in graph[v] (the graph is undirected).
  • The graph may not be connected, meaning there may be two nodes u and v such that there is no path between them.

A graph is bipartite if the nodes can be partitioned into two independent sets A and B such that every edge in the graph connects a node in set A and a node in set B.

Return true if and only if it is bipartite.

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[LeetCode] Maximal Network Rank

1615. Maximal Network Rank

There is an infrastructure of n cities with some number of roads connecting these cities. Each roads[i] = [ai, bi] indicates that there is a bidirectional road between cities ai and bi.

The network rank of two different cities is defined as the total number of directly connected roads to either city. If a road is directly connected to both cities, it is only counted once.

The maximal network rank of the infrastructure is the maximum network rank of all pairs of different cities.

Given the integer n and the array roads, return the maximal network rank of the entire infrastructure.

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[LeetCode] Number of Distinct Substrings in a String

1698. Number of Distinct Substrings in a String

Given a string s, return the number of distinct substrings of s.

A substring of a string is obtained by deleting any number of characters (possibly zero) from the front of the string and any number (possibly zero) from the back of the string.

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[LeetCode] Encrypt and Decrypt Strings

2227. Encrypt and Decrypt Strings

You are given a character array keys containing unique characters and a string array values containing strings of length 2. You are also given another string array dictionary that contains all permitted original strings after decryption. You should implement a data structure that can encrypt or decrypt a 0-indexed string.

A string is encrypted with the following process:

  1. For each character c in the string, we find the index i satisfying keys[i] == c in keys.
  2. Replace c with values[i] in the string.

A string is decrypted with the following process:

  1. For each substring s of length 2 occurring at an even index in the string, we find an i such that values[i] == s. If there are multiple valid i, we choose any one of them. This means a string could have multiple possible strings it can decrypt to.
  2. Replace s with keys[i] in the string.

Implement the Encrypter class:

  • Encrypter(char[] keys, String[] values, String[] dictionary) Initializes the Encrypter class with keys, values, and dictionary.
  • String encrypt(String word1) Encrypts word1 with the encryption process described above and returns the encrypted string.
  • int decrypt(String word2) Returns the number of possible strings word2 could decrypt to that also appear in dictionary.
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[LeetCode] Minimum Number of Operations to Convert Time

2224. Minimum Number of Operations to Convert Time

You are given two strings current and correct representing two 24-hour times.

24-hour times are formatted as “HH:MM”, where HH is between 00 and 23, and MM is between 00 and 59. The earliest 24-hour time is 00:00, and the latest is 23:59.

In one operation you can increase the time current by 1, 5, 15, or 60 minutes. You can perform this operation any number of times.

Return the minimum number of operations needed to convert current to correct.

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