[LeetCode] Count Number of Rectangles Containing Each Point

2250. Count Number of Rectangles Containing Each Point

You are given a 2D integer array rectangles where rectangles[i] = [li, hi] indicates that ith rectangle has a length of li and a height of hi. You are also given a 2D integer array points where points[j] = [xj, yj] is a point with coordinates (xj, yj).

The ith rectangle has its bottom-left corner point at the coordinates (0, 0) and its top-right corner point at (li, hi).

Return an integer array count of length points.length where count[j] is the number of rectangles that contain the jth point.

The ith rectangle contains the jth point if 0 <= xj <= li and 0 <= yj <= hi. Note that points that lie on the edges of a rectangle are also considered to be contained by that rectangle.

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[LeetCode] Count Lattice Points Inside a Circle

2249. Count Lattice Points Inside a Circle

Given a 2D integer array circles where circles[i] = [xi, yi, ri] represents the center (xi, yi) and radius ri of the ith circle drawn on a grid, return the number of lattice points that are present inside at least one circle.


  • A lattice point is a point with integer coordinates.
  • Points that lie on the circumference of a circle are also considered to be inside it.
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[LeetCode] Intersection of Multiple Arrays

2248. Intersection of Multiple Arrays

Given a 2D integer array nums where nums[i] is a non-empty array of distinct positive integers, return the list of integers that are present in each array of nums sorted in ascending order.

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[LeetCode] Count Pairs Of Nodes

1782. Count Pairs Of Nodes

You are given an undirected graph defined by an integer n, the number of nodes, and a 2D integer array edges, the edges in the graph, where edges[i] = [ui, vi] indicates that there is an undirected edge between ui and vi. You are also given an integer array queries.

Let incident(a, b) be defined as the number of edges that are connected to either node a or b.

The answer to the jth query is the number of pairs of nodes (a, b) that satisfy both of the following conditions:

  • a < b
  • incident(a, b) > queries[j]

Return an array answers such that answers.length == queries.length and answers[j] is the answer of the jth query.

Note that there can be multiple edges between the same two nodes.

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[LeetCode] Maximum Length of Pair Chain

646. Maximum Length of Pair Chain

You are given an array of n pairs pairs where pairs[i] = [lefti, righti] and lefti < righti.

A pair p2 = [c, d] follows a pair p1 = [a, b] if b < c. A chain of pairs can be formed in this fashion.

Return the length longest chain which can be formed.

You do not need to use up all the given intervals. You can select pairs in any order.

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[LeetCode] Largest Divisible Subset

368. Largest Divisible Subset

Given a set of distinct positive integers nums, return the largest subset answer such that every pair (answer[i], answer[j]) of elements in this subset satisfies:

  • answer[i] % answer[j] == 0, or
  • answer[j] % answer[i] == 0

If there are multiple solutions, return any of them.

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