[LeetCode] K Divisible Elements Subarrays

2261. K Divisible Elements Subarrays

Given an integer array nums and two integers k and p, return the number of distinct subarrays which have at most k elements divisible by p.

Two arrays nums1 and nums2 are said to be distinct if:

  • They are of different lengths, or
  • There exists at least one index i where nums1[i] != nums2[i].

A subarray is defined as a non-empty contiguous sequence of elements in an array.

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[LeetCode] Total Appeal of A String

2262. Total Appeal of A String

The appeal of a string is the number of distinct characters found in the string.

  • For example, the appeal of “abbca” is 3 because it has 3 distinct characters: ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’.
    Given a string s, return the total appeal of all of its substrings.

A substring is a contiguous sequence of characters within a string.

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[LeetCode] Design Excel Sum Formula

631. Design Excel Sum Formula

Design the basic function of Excel and implement the function of the sum formula.

Implement the Excel class:

  • Excel(int height, char width) Initializes the object with the height and the width of the sheet. The sheet is an integer matrix mat of size height x width with the row index in the range [1, height] and the column index in the range [‘A’, width]. All the values should be zero initially.
  • void set(int row, char column, int val) Changes the value at mat[row][column] to be val.
  • int get(int row, char column) Returns the value at mat[row][column].
  • int sum(int row, char column, List numbers) Sets the value at mat[row][column] to be the sum of cells represented by numbers and returns the value at mat[row][column]. This sum formula should exist until this cell is overlapped by another value or another sum formula. numbers[i] could be on the format:
  • “ColRow” that represents a single cell.
  • For example, “F7” represents the cell mat[7][‘F’].
  • “ColRow1:ColRow2” that represents a range of cells. The range will always be a rectangle where “ColRow1” represent the position of the top-left cell, and “ColRow2” represents the position of the bottom-right cell.
  • For example, “B3:F7” represents the cells mat[i][j] for 3 <= i <= 7 and ‘B’ <= j <= ‘F’.

Note: You could assume that there will not be any circular sum reference.

  • For example, mat[1][‘A’] == sum(1, “B”) and mat[1][‘B’] == sum(1, “A”).
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[LeetCode] Design Video Sharing Platform

2254. Design Video Sharing Platform

You have a video sharing platform where users can upload and delete videos. Each video is a string of digits, where the ith digit of the string represents the content of the video at minute i. For example, the first digit represents the content at minute 0 in the video, the second digit represents the content at minute 1 in the video, and so on. Viewers of videos can also like and dislike videos. Internally, the platform keeps track of the number of views, likes, and dislikes on each video.

When a video is uploaded, it is associated with the smallest available integer videoId starting from 0. Once a video is deleted, the videoId associated with that video can be reused for another video.

Implement the VideoSharingPlatform class:

  • VideoSharingPlatform() Initializes the object.
  • int upload(String video) The user uploads a video. Return the videoId associated with the video.
  • void remove(int videoId) If there is a video associated with videoId, remove the video.
  • String watch(int videoId, int startMinute, int endMinute) If there is a video associated with videoId, increase the number of views on the video by 1 and return the substring of the video string starting at startMinute and ending at min(endMinute, video.length - 1) (inclusive). Otherwise, return “-1”.
  • void like(int videoId) Increases the number of likes on the video associated with videoId by 1 if there is a video associated with videoId.
  • void dislike(int videoId) Increases the number of dislikes on the video associated with videoId by 1 if there is a video associated with videoId.
  • int[] getLikesAndDislikes(int videoId) Return a 0-indexed integer array values of length 2 where values[0] is the number of likes and values[1] is the number of dislikes on the video associated with videoId. If there is no video associated with videoId, return [-1].
  • int getViews(int videoId) Return the number of views on the video associated with videoId, if there is no video associated with videoId, return -1.
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[Code Jam 2022 Round 1C] SquarRead more
[LeetCode] Escape the Spreading Fire

2258. Escape the Spreading Fire

You are given a 0-indexed 2D integer array grid of size m x n which represents a field. Each cell has one of three values:

  • 0 represents grass,
  • 1 represents fire,
  • 2 represents a wall that you and fire cannot pass through.

You are situated in the top-left cell, (0, 0), and you want to travel to the safehouse at the bottom-right cell, (m - 1, n - 1). Every minute, you may move to an adjacent grass cell. After your move, every fire cell will spread to all adjacent cells that are not walls.

Return the maximum number of minutes that you can stay in your initial position before moving while still safely reaching the safehouse. If this is impossible, return -1. If you can always reach the safehouse regardless of the minutes stayed, return 109.

Note that even if the fire spreads to the safehouse immediately after you have reached it, it will be counted as safely reaching the safehouse.

A cell is adjacent to another cell if the former is directly north, east, south, or west of the latter (i.e., their sides are touching).

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[LeetCode] Count Unguarded Cells in the Grid

2257. Count Unguarded Cells in the Grid

You are given two integers m and n representing a 0-indexed m x n grid. You are also given two 2D integer arrays guards and walls where guards[i] = [rowi, coli] and walls[j] = [rowj, colj] represent the positions of the ith guard and jth wall respectively.

A guard can see every cell in the four cardinal directions (north, east, south, or west) starting from their position unless obstructed by a wall or another guard. A cell is guarded if there is at least one guard that can see it.

Return the number of unoccupied cells that are not guarded.

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[LeetCode] Minimum Average Difference

2256. Minimum Average Difference

You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums of length n.

The average difference of the index i is the absolute difference between the average of the first i + 1 elements of nums and the average of the last n - i - 1 elements. Both averages should be rounded down to the nearest integer.

Return the index with the minimum average difference. If there are multiple such indices, return the smallest one.


  • The absolute difference of two numbers is the absolute value of their difference.
  • The average of n elements is the sum of the n elements divided (integer division) by n.
  • The average of 0 elements is considered to be 0.
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[LeetCode] Count Prefixes of a Given String

2255. Count Prefixes of a Given String

You are given a string array words and a string s, where words[i] and s comprise only of lowercase English letters.

Return the number of strings in words that are a prefix of s.

A prefix of a string is a substring that occurs at the beginning of the string. A substring is a contiguous sequence of characters within a string.

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[Code Jam 2022 Round 1C] Letter BlocksRead more