[LeetCode] Maximum Consecutive Floors Without Special Floors

2274. Maximum Consecutive Floors Without Special Floors

Alice manages a company and has rented some floors of a building as office space. Alice has decided some of these floors should be special floors, used for relaxation only.

You are given two integers bottom and top, which denote that Alice has rented all the floors from bottom to top (inclusive). You are also given the integer array special, where special[i] denotes a special floor that Alice has designated for relaxation.

Return the maximum number of consecutive floors without a special floor.

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[LeetCode] Find Resultant Array After Removing Anagrams

2273. Find Resultant Array After Removing Anagrams

You are given a 0-indexed string array words, where words[i] consists of lowercase English letters.

In one operation, select any index i such that 0 < i < words.length and words[i - 1] and words[i] are anagrams, and delete words[i] from words. Keep performing this operation as long as you can select an index that satisfies the conditions.

Return words after performing all operations. It can be shown that selecting the indices for each operation in any arbitrary order will lead to the same result.

An Anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase using all the original letters exactly once. For example, “dacb” is an anagram of “abdc”.

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[Geeks for Geeks] Subarray with given sum

Subarray with given sum

Given an unsorted array A of size N that contains only non-negative integers, find a continuous sub-array which adds to a given number S.

In case of multiple subarrays, return the subarray which comes first on moving from left to right.

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[Geeks for Geeks] Bit Difference

Bit Difference

We define f (X, Y) as number of different corresponding bits in binary representation of X and Y. For example, f (2, 7) = 2, since binary representation of 2 and 7 are 010 and 111, respectively. The first and the third bit differ, so f (2, 7) = 2.

You are given an array A of N integers, A1, A2 ,…, AN. Find sum of f(Ai, Aj) for all ordered pairs (i, j) such that 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N. Return the answer modulo 109+7.

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[LeetCode] Minimum Number of Keypresses

2268. Minimum Number of Keypresses

You have a keypad with 9 buttons, numbered from 1 to 9, each mapped to lowercase English letters. You can choose which characters each button is matched to as long as:

  • All 26 lowercase English letters are mapped to.
  • Each character is mapped to by exactly 1 button.
  • Each button maps to at most 3 characters.

To type the first character matched to a button, you press the button once. To type the second character, you press the button twice, and so on.

Given a string s, return the minimum number of keypresses needed to type s using your keypad.

Note that the characters mapped to by each button, and the order they are mapped in cannot be changed.

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[LeetCode] Substring With Largest Variance

2272. Substring With Largest Variance

The variance of a string is defined as the largest difference between the number of occurrences of any 2 characters present in the string. Note the two characters may or may not be the same.

Given a string s consisting of lowercase English letters only, return the largest variance possible among all substrings of s.

A substring is a contiguous sequence of characters within a string

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[LeetCode] Find the K-Beauty of a Number

2269. Find the K-Beauty of a Number

The k-beauty of an integer num is defined as the number of substrings of num when it is read as a string that meet the following conditions:

  • It has a length of k.
  • It is a divisor of num.
    Given integers num and k, return the k-beauty of num.


  • Leading zeros are allowed.
  • 0 is not a divisor of any value.

A substring is a contiguous sequence of characters in a string.

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[LeetCode] Number of Ways to Split Array

2270. Number of Ways to Split Array

You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums of length n.

nums contains a valid split at index i if the following are true:

  • The sum of the first i + 1 elements is greater than or equal to the sum of the last n - i - 1 elements.
  • There is at least one element to the right of i. That is, 0 <= i < n - 1.

Return the number of valid splits in nums.

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[LeetCode] Maximum White Tiles Covered by a Carpet

2271. Maximum White Tiles Covered by a Carpet

You are given a 2D integer array tiles where tiles[i] = [li, ri] represents that every tile j in the range li <= j <= ri is colored white.

You are also given an integer carpetLen, the length of a single carpet that can be placed anywhere.

Return the maximum number of white tiles that can be covered by the carpet.

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[AlgoExpert] Min Heap ConstructionRead more