3283. Maximum Number of Moves to Kill All Pawns
There is a
50 x 50
chessboard with one knight and some pawns on it. You are given two integerskx
where(kx, ky)
denotes the position of the knight, and a 2D arraypositions
wherepositions[i] = [xi, yi]
denotes the position of the pawns on the chessboard.Alice and Bob play a turn-based game, where Alice goes first. In each player’s turn:
- The player selects a pawn that still exists on the board and captures it with the knight in the fewest possible moves. Note that the player can select any pawn, it might not be one that can be captured in the least number of moves.
- In the process of capturing the selected pawn, the knight may pass other pawns without capturing them. Only the selected pawn can be captured in this turn.
Alice is trying to maximize the sum of the number of moves made by both players until there are no more pawns on the board, whereas Bob tries to minimize them.
Return the maximum total number of moves made during the game that Alice can achieve, assuming both players play optimally.
Note that in one move, a chess knight has eight possible positions it can move to, as illustrated below. Each move is two cells in a cardinal direction, then one cell in an orthogonal direction.
3282. Reach End of Array With Max Score
You are given an integer array
of lengthn
.Your goal is to start at index
and reach indexn - 1
. You can only jump to indices greater than your current index.The score for a jump from index
to indexj
is calculated as(j - i) * nums[i]
.Return the maximum possible total score by the time you reach the last index.
3281. Maximize Score of Numbers in Ranges
You are given an array of integers
and an integerd
, representingn
intervals[start[i], start[i] + d]
.You are asked to choose
integers where theith
integer must belong to theith
interval. The score of the chosen integers is defined as the minimum absolute difference between any two integers that have been chosen.Return the maximum possible score of the chosen integers.
You are given a string
representing a Gregorian calendar date in theyyyy-mm-dd
can be written in its binary representation obtained by converting year, month, and day to their binary representations without any leading zeroes and writing them down inyear-month-day
format.Return the binary representation of