[AtCoder] E - Water TankRead more
[LeetCode] Check If a Word Occurs As a Prefix of Any Word in a Sentence

1455. Check If a Word Occurs As a Prefix of Any Word in a Sentence

Given a sentence that consists of some words separated by a single space, and a searchWord, check if searchWord is a prefix of any word in sentence.

Return the index of the word in sentence (1-indexed) where searchWord is a prefix of this word. If searchWord is a prefix of more than one word, return the index of the first word (minimum index). If there is no such word return -1.

A prefix of a string s is any leading contiguous substring of s.

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[LeetCode] Maximize the Number of Target Nodes After Connecting Trees II

3373. Maximize the Number of Target Nodes After Connecting Trees II

There exist two undirected trees with n and m nodes, labeled from [0, n - 1] and [0, m - 1], respectively.

You are given two 2D integer arrays edges1 and edges2 of lengths n - 1 and m - 1, respectively, where edges1[i] = [ai, bi] indicates that there is an edge between nodes ai and bi in the first tree and edges2[i] = [ui, vi] indicates that there is an edge between nodes ui and vi in the second tree.

Node u is target to node v if the number of edges on the path from u to v is even. Note that a node is always target to itself.

Return an array of n integers answer, where answer[i] is the maximum possible number of nodes that are target to node i of the first tree if you had to connect one node from the first tree to another node in the second tree.

Note that queries are independent from each other. That is, for every query you will remove the added edge before proceeding to the next query.

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[LeetCode] Maximize the Number of Target Nodes After Connecting Trees I

3372. Maximize the Number of Target Nodes After Connecting Trees I

There exist two undirected trees with n and m nodes, with distinct labels in ranges [0, n - 1] and [0, m - 1], respectively.

You are given two 2D integer arrays edges1 and edges2 of lengths n - 1 and m - 1, respectively, where edges1[i] = [ai, bi] indicates that there is an edge between nodes ai and bi in the first tree and edges2[i] = [ui, vi] indicates that there is an edge between nodes ui and vi in the second tree. You are also given an integer k.

Node u is target to node v if the number of edges on the path from u to v is less than or equal to k. Note that a node is always target to itself.

Return an array of n integers answer, where answer[i] is the maximum possible number of nodes target to node i of the first tree if you have to connect one node from the first tree to another node in the second tree.

Note that queries are independent from each other. That is, for every query you will remove the added edge before proceeding to the next query.

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[LeetCode] Identify the Largest Outlier in an Array

3371. Identify the Largest Outlier in an Array

You are given an integer array nums. This array contains n elements, where exactly n - 2 elements are special numbers. One of the remaining two elements is the sum of these special numbers, and the other is an outlier.

An outlier is defined as a number that is neither one of the original special numbers nor the element representing the sum of those numbers.

Note that special numbers, the sum element, and the outlier must have distinct indices, but may share the same value.

Return the largest potential outlier in nums.

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[LeetCode] Smallest Number With All Set Bits

3370. Smallest Number With All Set Bits

You are given a positive number n.

Return the smallest number x greater than or equal to n, such that the binary representation of x contains only set bits.

A set bit refers to a bit in the binary representation of a number that has a value of 1.

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[AtCoder] E - Alphabet TilesRead more
[AtCoder] E - Reachability in Functional GraphRead more
[AtCoder] B - Between B and BRead more
[AtCoder] E - Max/MinRead more