[Spring Boot] @Autowired와 @Requiredargconstructor

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[LeetCode] Sentence Screen Fitting

418. Sentence Screen Fitting

Given a rows x cols screen and a sentence represented by a list of non-empty words, find how many times the given sentence can be fitted on the screen.


  • A word cannot be split into two lines.
  • The order of words in the sentence must remain unchanged.
  • Two consecutive words in a line must be separated by a single space.
  • Total words in the sentence won’t exceed 100.
  • Length of each word is greater than 0 and won’t exceed 10.
  • 1 ≤ rows, cols ≤ 20,000.
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[LeetCode] Maximum Score from Performing Multiplication Operations

1770. Maximum Score from Performing Multiplication Operations

You are given two integer arrays nums and multipliers of size n and m respectively, where n >= m. The arrays are 1-indexed.

You begin with a score of 0. You want to perform exactly m operations. On the ith operation (1-indexed), you will:

  • Choose one integer x from either the start or the end of the array nums.
  • Add multipliers[i] * x to your score.
  • Remove x from the array nums.

Return the maximum score after performing m operations.

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[LeetCode] Maximize Palindrome Length From Subsequences

1771. Maximize Palindrome Length From Subsequences

You are given two strings, word1 and word2. You want to construct a string in the following manner:

  • Choose some non-empty subsequence subsequence1 from word1.
  • Choose some non-empty subsequence subsequence2 from word2.
  • Concatenate the subsequences: subsequence1 + subsequence2, to make the string.
    Return the length of the longest palindrome that can be constructed in the described manner. If no palindromes can be constructed, return 0.

A subsequence of a string s is a string that can be made by deleting some (possibly none) characters from s without changing the order of the remaining characters.

A palindrome is a string that reads the same forward as well as backward.

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[LeetCode] Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box

1769. Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box

You have n boxes. You are given a binary string boxes of length n, where boxes[i] is ‘0’ if the ith box is empty, and ‘1’ if it contains one ball.

In one operation, you can move one ball from a box to an adjacent box. Box i is adjacent to box j if abs(i - j) == 1. Note that after doing so, there may be more than one ball in some boxes.

Return an array answer of size n, where answer[i] is the minimum number of operations needed to move all the balls to the ith box.

Each answer[i] is calculated considering the initial state of the boxes.

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[LeetCode] Merge Strings Alternately

1768. Merge Strings Alternately

You are given two strings word1 and word2. Merge the strings by adding letters in alternating order, starting with word1. If a string is longer than the other, append the additional letters onto the end of the merged string.

Return the merged string.

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[LeetCode] Sum of Subarray Minimums

907. Sum of Subarray Minimums

Given an array of integers arr, find the sum of min(b), where b ranges over every (contiguous) subarray of arr. Since the answer may be large, return the answer modulo 109 + 7.

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[LeetCode] One Edit Distance

161. One Edit Distance

Given two strings s and t, return true if they are both one edit distance apart, otherwise return false.

A string s is said to be one distance apart from a string t if you can:

  • Insert exactly one character into s to get t.
  • Delete exactly one character from s to get t.
  • Replace exactly one character of s with a different character to get t.
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[LeetCode] Minimum Factorization

625. Minimum Factorization

Given a positive integer a, find the smallest positive integer b whose multiplication of each digit equals to a.

If there is no answer or the answer is not fit in 32-bit signed integer, then return 0.

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[LeetCode] Line Reflection

356. Line Reflection

Given n points on a 2D plane, find if there is such a line parallel to y-axis that reflect the given points symmetrically, in other words, answer whether or not if there exists a line that after reflecting all points over the given line the set of the original points is the same that the reflected ones.

Note that there can be repeated points.

Follow up:
Could you do better than O(n2) ?

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