[LeetCode] Range Frequency Queries

2080. Range Frequency Queries

Design a data structure to find the frequency of a given value in a given subarray.

The frequency of a value in a subarray is the number of occurrences of that value in the subarray.

Implement the RangeFreqQuery class:

  • RangeFreqQuery(int[] arr) Constructs an instance of the class with the given 0-indexed integer array arr.
  • int query(int left, int right, int value) Returns the frequency of value in the subarray arr[left…right].

A subarray is a contiguous sequence of elements within an array. arr[left…right] denotes the subarray that contains the elements of nums between indices left and right (inclusive).

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[Spring] Http Request Body Logging Concepts

Http RequestBody 로깅처리하기

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[LeetCode] Maximum Number of Removable Characters

1898. Maximum Number of Removable Characters

You are given two strings s and p where p is a subsequence of s. You are also given a distinct 0-indexed integer array removable containing a subset of indices of s (s is also 0-indexed).

You want to choose an integer k (0 <= k <= removable.length) such that, after removing k characters from s using the first k indices in removable, p is still a subsequence of s. More formally, you will mark the character at s[removable[i]] for each 0 <= i < k, then remove all marked characters and check if p is still a subsequence.

Return the maximum k you can choose such that p is still a subsequence of s after the removals.

A subsequence of a string is a new string generated from the original string with some characters (can be none) deleted without changing the relative order of the remaining characters.

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[LeetCode] First Day Where You Have Been in All the Rooms

1997. First Day Where You Have Been in All the Rooms

There are n rooms you need to visit, labeled from 0 to n - 1. Each day is labeled, starting from 0. You will go in and visit one room a day.

Initially on day 0, you visit room 0. The order you visit the rooms for the coming days is determined by the following rules and a given 0-indexed array nextVisit of length n:

  • Assuming that on a day, you visit room i,
  • if you have been in room i an odd number of times (including the current visit), on the next day you will visit a room with a lower or equal room number specified by nextVisit[i] where 0 <= nextVisit[i] <= i;
  • if you have been in room i an even number of times (including the current visit), on the next day you will visit room (i + 1) mod n.

Return the label of the first day where you have been in all the rooms. It can be shown that such a day exists. Since the answer may be very large, return it modulo 109 + 7.

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[LeetCode] Maximum Subarray Min-Product

1856. Maximum Subarray Min-Product

The min-product of an array is equal to the minimum value in the array multiplied by the array’s sum.

  • For example, the array [3,2,5] (minimum value is 2) has a min-product of 2 (3+2+5) = 2 10 = 20.

Given an array of integers nums, return the maximum min-product of any non-empty subarray of nums. Since the answer may be large, return it modulo 109 + 7.

Note that the min-product should be maximized before performing the modulo operation. Testcases are generated such that the maximum min-product without modulo will fit in a 64-bit signed integer.

A subarray is a contiguous part of an array.

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[LeetCode] Interleaving String

97. Interleaving String

Given strings s1, s2, and s3, find whether s3 is formed by an interleaving of s1 and s2.

An interleaving of two strings s and t is a configuration where they are divided into non-empty substrings such that:

  • s = s1 + s2 + … + sn
  • t = t1 + t2 + … + tm
  • |n - m| <= 1
  • The interleaving is s1 + t1 + s2 + t2 + s3 + t3 + … or t1 + s1 + t2 + s2 + t3 + s3 + …

Note: a + b is the concatenation of strings a and b.

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[LeetCode] Largest Number After Mutating Substring

1946. Largest Number After Mutating Substring

You are given a string num, which represents a large integer. You are also given a 0-indexed integer array change of length 10 that maps each digit 0-9 to another digit. More formally, digit d maps to digit change[d].

You may choose to mutate a single substring of num. To mutate a substring, replace each digit num[i] with the digit it maps to in change (i.e. replace num[i] with change[num[i]]).

Return a string representing the largest possible integer after mutating (or choosing not to) a single substring of num.

A substring is a contiguous sequence of characters within the string.

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[LeetCode] Maximum Number of Points with Cost

1937. Maximum Number of Points with Cost

You are given an m x n integer matrix points (0-indexed). Starting with 0 points, you want to maximize the number of points you can get from the matrix.

To gain points, you must pick one cell in each row. Picking the cell at coordinates (r, c) will add points[r][c] to your score.

However, you will lose points if you pick a cell too far from the cell that you picked in the previous row. For every two adjacent rows r and r + 1 (where 0 <= r < m - 1), picking cells at coordinates (r, c1) and (r + 1, c2) will subtract abs(c1 - c2) from your score.

Return the maximum number of points you can achieve.

abs(x) is defined as:

  • x for x >= 0.
  • -x for x < 0.
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[LeetCode] Count Primes

204. Count Primes

Given an integer n, return the number of prime numbers that are strictly less than n.

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[LeetCode] Find All Possible Recipes from Given Supplies

2115. Find All Possible Recipes from Given Supplies

You have information about n different recipes. You are given a string array recipes and a 2D string array ingredients. The ith recipe has the name recipes[i], and you can create it if you have all the needed ingredients from ingredients[i]. Ingredients to a recipe may need to be created from other recipes, i.e., ingredients[i] may contain a string that is in recipes.

You are also given a string array supplies containing all the ingredients that you initially have, and you have an infinite supply of all of them.

Return a list of all the recipes that you can create. You may return the answer in any order.

Note that two recipes may contain each other in their ingredients.

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