2781. Length of the Longest Valid Substring
You are given a string word
and an array of strings forbidden
A string is called valid if none of its substrings are present in forbidden
Return the length of the longest valid substring of the string word
A substring is a contiguous sequence of characters in a string, possibly empty.
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| class Solution { public: int longestValidSubstring(string word, vector<string>& forbidden) { unordered_set<string> us(begin(forbidden), end(forbidden)); vector<int> best(word.length(), INT_MAX), suf(word.length(), INT_MAX), at(word.length()); for(int r = 0; r < word.length(); r++) { string now = ""; for(int j = 1; j + r <= word.length() and j <= 10; j++) { now.push_back(word[r+j-1]); if(us.count(now)) { best[r] = r + j - 2; if(r + j - 2 >= 0) at[r+j-2] = max(at[r+j-2], r); break; } } } suf.back() = best.back(); for(int i = word.length() - 2; i >= 0; i--) { suf[i] = min(best[i], suf[i+1]); } int res = 0; for(int l = 0, r = 0; r < word.length();) { int no = suf[r]; if(no == INT_MAX) no = word.length() - 1; res = max(res, no - l + 1); if(no == word.length() - 1) break; if(no < r) r = l = r + 1; else r = l = at[no] + 1; } return res; } };