2659. Make Array Empty
You are given an integer array nums
containing distinct numbers, and you can perform the following operations until the array is empty:
- If the first element has the smallest value, remove it
- Otherwise, put the first element at the end of the array.
Return an integer denoting the number of operations it takes to make nums
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| class Solution { long long fenwick[101010]; map<int, int> range; void merge(int n) { range[n] = n; auto ub = range.upper_bound(n); if(ub != end(range) and ub->first == n + 1) { range[n] = ub->second; range.erase(ub); } auto it = range.lower_bound(n); if(it != begin(range) and prev(it)->second + 1 == n) { prev(it)->second = it->second; range.erase(it); } } long long next(int p, int n) { auto it = range.upper_bound(p); --it; if(it->second == n) { auto iit = range.lower_bound(1); if(iit->first == 1) return iit->second + 1; return 1; } return it->second + 1; } void update(int n, int k) { while(n < 101010) { fenwick[n] += k; n += n & -n; } } long long query(int n) { long long res = 0; while(n) { res += fenwick[n]; n -= n & -n; } return res; } long long distance(long long a, long long b, long long n) { if(a == b) return 0; if(a < b) return b - a - (query(b) - query(a)); return n - a - (query(n) - query(a)) + b - query(b); } public: long long countOperationsToEmptyArray(vector<int>& nums) { long long res = 0, at = 1; range.clear(); memset(fenwick,0,sizeof fenwick); map<int,set<int>> seq; for(int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++) { seq[nums[i]].insert(i+1); } auto nextOf = [&](long long p) { auto it = begin(seq); auto iit = it->second.lower_bound(p); if(iit != end(it->second)) return *iit; return *it->second.begin(); }; while(seq.size()) { auto it = begin(seq); if(it->second.size() == 0) seq.erase(it); else { auto p = nextOf(at); res += distance(at,p,nums.size()); seq.begin()->second.erase(p); update(p,1); merge(p); at = next(p,nums.size()); res += 1; } } return res; } };