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| unordered_map<double, pair<int, int>> manacher(string A) { string s = "#"; for(auto ch : A) { s.push_back(ch); s.push_back('#'); } int l = -1, r = 0, n = s.length(); vector<int> dp(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { dp[i] = max(0, min(r - i, r + l - i >= 0 ? dp[r+l-i] : -1)); while(i - dp[i] >= 0 and i + dp[i] < n and s[i-dp[i]] == s[i+dp[i]]) dp[i]++; if(i + dp[i] > r) { r = i + dp[i]; l = i - dp[i]; } }
unordered_map<double, pair<int, int>> res; auto pos = [](int n) {return n / 2;}; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int l = i - dp[i] + 1, r = i + dp[i] - 1; if(s[i] == '#' and l == r) continue; if(s[l] == '#' and s[r] == '#') l++,r--; res[(pos(l)+pos(r))/2.] = {pos(l), pos(r)}; } return res; }
void helper(vector<vector<string>>& res, string& A, vector<string>& now, unordered_map<double, pair<int, int>>& pal, int p) { if(p == A.length()) res.push_back(now); else { string s = ""; for(int i = p; i < A.length(); i++) { s.push_back(A[i]); int l = p, r = i; double mid = (l + r) / 2.; if(!pal.count(mid)) continue; auto [pl, pr] = pal[mid]; if(pl > l or pr < r) continue; now.push_back(s); helper(res,A,now,pal,i + 1); now.pop_back(); } } }
vector<vector<string>> Solution::partition(string A) { unordered_map<double, pair<int, int>> pal = manacher(A); vector<vector<string>> res; helper(res, A, vector<string>() = {}, pal, 0); return res; }