Numbers of length N and value less than K
- Time : O(Alog10C)
- Space : O(1)
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| int helper(vector<int>& A, int len, int pos, string limit, bool fl) { if(len == pos) return pos == limit.length() ? fl : 1; if(pos >= limit.length()) return 0; else { if(fl) return pow(A.size(), limit.length() - pos); int res = 0; for(int i = 0; i < A.size() and A[i] <= limit[pos] - '0'; i++) { if(pos == 0 and A[i] == 0 and limit.length() != 1) continue; if(A[i] == (limit[pos] - '0')) res += helper(A,len,pos+1,limit,false); else res += helper(A,len,pos+1,limit,true); } return res; } } int Solution::solve(vector<int> &A, int B, int C) { string s = to_string(C); if(s.length() < B) return 0; if(s.length() > B) return pow(A.size(), B - 1) * (B != 1 ? (A.size() - count(begin(A), end(A), 0)) : A.size()); return helper(A,B,0,s, false); }