Shortest Unique Prefix
You are given a list of words. You need to find the shortest prefix of each word so that it can identify the word uniquely.
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| struct Trie { Trie* next[26]; int count = 0; bool eof = false; Trie() {memset(next, 0, sizeof next);} void insert(string& s, int p = 0) { count++; if(s.length() == p) eof = true; else { if(!next[s[p] - 'a']) next[s[p] - 'a'] = new Trie(); next[s[p] - 'a']->insert(s, p + 1); } } string query(string& s, int p = 0) { if(s.length() == p) return s; else { if(next[s[p] - 'a']->count == 1) return s.substr(0, p + 1); else return next[s[p] - 'a']->query(s, p + 1); } } }; vector<string> getShortestUniquePrefixes(vector<string> &words) { Trie* t = new Trie(); for(auto& w : words) t->insert(w); vector<string> res; for(auto& w : words) res.push_back(t->query(w)); return res; }