Given a string s, return the maximum number of ocurrences of any substring under the following rules:
The number of unique characters in the substring must be less than or equal to maxLetters.
The substring size must be between minSize and maxSize inclusive.
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classSolution { public: intmaxFreq(string s, int maxLetters, int minSize, int maxSize){ unordered_map<string, int> freq; int res = 0, n = s.length(), l = 0, r = 0, count = 0, counter[26] = {}; while(r < n) { int R = s[r++] - 'a'; if(++counter[R] == 1) count++; while(count > maxLetters or r - l > minSize) { int L = s[l++] - 'a'; if(--counter[L] == 0) count--; } if(r - l == minSize) res = max(res, ++freq[s.substr(l, r - l)]); } return res; } };