Multiply two strings
Given two numbers as strings s1 and s2. Calculate their Product.
Note: The numbers can be negative.
- Time : O(nm)
- Space : O(n + m)
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| class Solution{ public: string multiplyStrings(string s1, string s2) { reverse(begin(s1), end(s1)); reverse(begin(s2), end(s2)); int sign = 1, n = s1.length(), m = s2.length(); if(s1.back() == '-') { sign = -sign; s1.pop_back(); } if(s2.back() == '-') { sign = -sign; s2.pop_back(); } string res(n + m, '0'); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int carry = 0; for(int j = 0; j < m; j++) { int mul = carry + (s1[i] & 0b1111) * (s2[j] & 0b1111) + (res[i + j] & 0b1111); carry = mul / 10; mul = mul % 10; res[i + j] = (mul | 0b110000); } int j = m; while(carry) { int sum = carry + (res[i + j] & 0b1111); carry = sum / 10; sum = sum % 10; res[i + j] = (sum | 0b110000); } } while(!res.empty() and res.back() == '0') res.pop_back(); if(!res.empty() and sign == -1) res.push_back('-'); reverse(begin(res), end(res)); return res.empty() ? "0" : res; } };