Word Break (Trie)
Given a string A and a dictionary of n words B, find out if A can be segmented into a space-separated sequence of dictionary words.
- Time : O(n^2)
Space : O(b)
dnc solution
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| class Solution { unordered_set<string> us; unordered_map<string, bool> dp; bool dnc(string A) { if(us.count(A)) return true; if(dp.count(A)) return dp[A]; dp[A] = false; for(int i = 1; i < A.length(); i++) { if(dnc(A.substr(0, i)) && dnc(A.substr(i))) return dp[A] = true; } return dp[A]; } public: int wordBreak(string A, vector<string> &B) { us = unordered_set<string>(begin(B), end(B)); return dnc(A); } };
- Time : O(2^n)
Space : O(b)
trie solution
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| struct Trie { unordered_map<char, Trie*> nxt; bool eof = false; void insert(string& s, int p = 0) { if(p == s.length()) eof = true; else { if(!nxt.count(s[p])) nxt[s[p]] = new Trie(); nxt[s[p]]->insert(s, p + 1); } } };
class Solution { Trie* trie; vector<bool> vis; bool helper(string& A, int pos) { if(pos == A.length()) return true; if(vis[pos]) return false; vis[pos] = true; Trie* t = trie; for(; pos < A.length(); pos++) { if(t->eof && helper(A,pos)) return true; if(!t->nxt.count(A[pos])) return false; t = t->nxt[A[pos]]; } return t->eof; } public: int wordBreak(string A, vector<string> &B) { vis = vector<bool>(A.length()); trie = new Trie(); for(auto& b : B) if(b.length() <= A.length()) trie->insert(b); return helper(A, 0); } };