Given two Arrays A[] and B[] of length N and M respectively. Find the minimum number of insertions and deletions on the array A[], required to make both the arrays identical.
Note: Array B[] is sorted and all its elements are distinct, operations can be performed at any index not necessarily at end.
Time : O(nlogn)
Space : O(min(n,m))
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classSolution { //lis solution public: intminInsAndDel(int A[], int B[], int N, int M){ unordered_set<int> us(B, B + M); vector<int> lis; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { if(!us.count(A[i])) continue; if(lis.empty() or lis.back() < A[i]) lis.push_back(A[i]); else { auto lb = lower_bound(begin(lis),end(lis),A[i]); *lb = A[i]; } } return N + M - 2 * lis.size(); } };
Time : O(nm)
Space : O(nm)
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classSolution { // lcs solution public: intminInsAndDel(int A[], int B[], int N, int M){ vector<vector<int>> dp(N + 1, vector<int>(M + 1));