2267. Check if There Is a Valid Parentheses String Path
A parentheses string is a non-empty string consisting only of ‘(‘ and ‘)’. It is valid if any of the following conditions is true:
- It is ().
- It can be written as AB (A concatenated with B), where A and B are valid parentheses strings.
- It can be written as (A), where A is a valid parentheses string.
You are given an m x n matrix of parentheses grid. A valid parentheses string path in the grid is a path satisfying all of the following conditions:
- The path starts from the upper left cell (0, 0).
- The path ends at the bottom-right cell (m - 1, n - 1).
- The path only ever moves down or right.
- The resulting parentheses string formed by the path is valid.
Return true if there exists a valid parentheses string path in the grid. Otherwise, return false.
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