1842. Next Palindrome Using Same Digits
You are given a numeric string num, representing a very large palindrome.
Return the smallest palindrome larger than num that can be created by rearranging its digits. If no such palindrome exists, return an empty string “”.
A palindrome is a number that reads the same backward as forward.
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| class Solution { public: string nextPalindrome(string num) { string half = num.substr(0, (num.length()) / 2); next_permutation(begin(half), end(half)); string rev = half; reverse(begin(rev), end(rev)); char mid = num.length() & 1 ? num[num.length() / 2] : '#'; string res = mid != '#' ? half + mid + rev : half + rev; for(int i = 0; i < num.length(); i++) { if(num[i] < res[i]) return res; else if(num[i] == res[i]) continue; else return ""; } return ""; } };