1803. Count Pairs With XOR in a Range
Given a (0-indexed) integer array nums and two integers low and high, return the number of nice pairs.
A nice pair is a pair (i, j) where 0 <= i < j < nums.length and low <= (nums[i] XOR nums[j]) <= high.
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| struct Trie{ Trie* next[2]; int count = 0; Trie() { memset(next,0,sizeof(next)); } void insert(int n, int bi = 15) { count++; if(bi < 0) return; bool mask = n & (1<<bi); if(!next[mask]) next[mask] = new Trie(); next[mask]->insert(n, bi - 1); } int query(int n, int k, int bi = 15) { if(bi < 0) return 0; bool nbi = n & (1<<bi), kbi = k & (1<<bi); int res = 0; if(kbi) { if(nbi) { res += (next[1] ? next[1]->count : 0); res += (next[0] ? next[0]->query(n,k,bi-1) : 0); } else { res += (next[0] ? next[0]->count : 0); res += (next[1] ? next[1]->query(n,k,bi-1) : 0); } } else { if(nbi) { res += (next[1] ? next[1]->query(n,k,bi-1) : 0); } else { res += (next[0] ? next[0]->query(n,k,bi-1) : 0); } } return res; } }; class Solution { public: int countPairs(vector<int>& A, int low, int high) { int res = 0; Trie* trie = new Trie(); for(auto& a : A) { res += trie->query(a, high + 1) - trie->query(a, low); trie->insert(a); } return res; } };