1793. Maximum Score of a Good Subarray
You are given an array of integers nums (0-indexed) and an integer k.
The score of a subarray (i, j) is defined as min(nums[i], nums[i+1], …, nums[j]) * (j - i + 1). A good subarray is a subarray where i <= k <= j.
Return the maximum possible score of a good subarray.
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| class Solution { public: int maximumScore(vector<int>& nums, int k) { int res = nums[k], l = k, r = k, n = nums.size(), mi = nums[k]; while(nums.size() != 1) { if(l != 0 and nums[l-1] >= mi) l--; else if(r != n - 1 and nums[r + 1] >= mi) r++; else if(l != 0 and r != n - 1) { if(nums[l-1] >= nums[r+1]) l--; else r++; } else if(l == 0) r++; else l--; mi = min({mi, nums[l], nums[r]}); res = max(res, mi * (r - l + 1)); if(l == 0 and r == n - 1) break; } return res; } };