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| class Solution { unordered_set<char> row[9], col[9], sq[9]; bool checkRow(int y, int x, char target) { return !row[y].count(target); } bool checkCol(int y, int x, char target) { return !col[x].count(target); } bool checkSquare(int y, int x, char target) { return !sq[y/3*3+x/3].count(target); } bool check(int y, int x, char target) { return checkRow(y,x,target) and checkCol(y,x,target) and checkSquare(y,x,target); } void add(int y, int x, char target) { row[y].insert(target); col[x].insert(target); sq[y/3*3+x/3].insert(target); } void erase(int y, int x, char target) { row[y].erase(target); col[x].erase(target); sq[y/3*3+x/3].erase(target); }
bool solve(vector<vector<char>>& b, vector<pair<int,int>>& vec, int pos) { if(pos == vec.size()) return true; auto [y, x] = vec[pos]; for(char c = '1'; c <= '9'; c++) { if(check(y,x,c)) { b[y][x] = c; add(y,x,c); if(solve(b, vec, pos + 1)) return true; erase(y,x,c); b[y][x] = '.'; } } return false; } public: void solveSudoku(vector<vector<char>>& board) { vector<pair<int, int>> vec; for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) for(int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { if (board[i][j] == '.') vec.push_back({i,j}); else { row[i].insert(board[i][j]); col[j].insert(board[i][j]); sq[i/3*3+j/3].insert(board[i][j]); } } solve(board, vec, 0); } };