42. Trapping Rain Water
Given n non-negative integers representing an elevation map where the width of each bar is 1, compute how much water it can trap after raining.
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| class Solution { public: int trap(vector<int>& height) { stack<pair<int, int>> st; int res = 0; st.push({0, 1}); for(auto& h : height) { if(st.top().first < h) { unordered_map<int, int> m; int maxHeight = 0, count = 0; while(!st.empty() && maxHeight < h) { m[st.top().first] += st.top().second; maxHeight = max(maxHeight, st.top().first); count += st.top().second; st.pop(); } if(maxHeight < h) { st.push({h, 1}); } else { st.push({maxHeight, m[maxHeight]}); st.push({h, count - m[maxHeight] + 1}); } int trapHeight = min(maxHeight, h); if(!trapHeight) continue; for(auto entity : m) { if(entity.first >= trapHeight) continue; res += (trapHeight - entity.first) * entity.second; } } else { st.push({h, 1}); } } return res; } };