Meta Hacker Cup 2023 Participation Review

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2nd Place on LC Contest

Three of my accounts recently achieved the #1, #2 and #3 leetcode ratings in South Korea. lol 😂

Leetcode contest speed-run global rank 2nd

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53rd Place on Google Codejam Farewell Round

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3rd Place on LC Contest

Leetcode contest speed-run global rank 3rd

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40th Place on Google Kickstart

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116th Place on Meta Hacker Cup

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[LeetCode] Find the Median of the Uniqueness Array

3134. Find the Median of the Uniqueness Array

You are given an integer array nums. The uniqueness array of nums is the sorted array that contains the number of distinct elements of all the subarrays of nums. In other words, it is a sorted array consisting of distinct(nums[i..j]), for all 0 <= i <= j < nums.length.

Here, distinct(nums[i..j]) denotes the number of distinct elements in the subarray that starts at index i and ends at index j.

Return the median of the uniqueness array of nums.

Note that the median of an array is defined as the middle element of the array when it is sorted in non-decreasing order. If there are two choices for a median, the smaller of the two values is taken.

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[LeetCode] Minimum Array End

3133. Minimum Array End

You are given two integers n and x. You have to construct an array of positive integers nums of size n where for every 0 <= i < n - 1, nums[i + 1] is greater than nums[i], and the result of the bitwise AND operation between all elements of nums is x.

Return the minimum possible value of nums[n - 1].

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[LeetCode] Find the Integer Added to Array II

Find the Integer Added to Array II

You are given two integer arrays nums1 and nums2.

From nums1 two elements have been removed, and all other elements have been increased (or decreased in the case of negative) by an integer, represented by the variable x.

As a result, nums1 becomes equal to nums2. Two arrays are considered equal when they contain the same integers with the same frequencies.

Return the minimum possible integer x that achieves this equivalence.

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[LeetCode] Find the Integer Added to Array I

3131. Find the Integer Added to Array I

You are given two arrays of equal length, nums1 and nums2.

Each element in nums1 has been increased (or decreased in the case of negative) by an integer, represented by the variable x.

As a result, nums1 becomes equal to nums2. Two arrays are considered equal when they contain the same integers with the same frequencies.

Return the integer x.

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